20 February 2008

today in pictures

ok, onto the pictures! the first is me driving in my sound of music sweatshirt. some of you know this sweatshirt-- it's from a sohompre high school performance of sound of music (it was terrible but the sweatshirt is awesome). i always wear it when im tired or not planning on going anywhere (here, i am just running out to dog sit). i wore it in college A LOT. its very comfy and kind of like a security blanket, you know?
anyway. the next pictures are the dogs i dogsit! the first one is Rocky-- he's a boxer. i love him because he's so cute! look at those eyes...

this is ginger-- she's CRAZY and runs around all over the place
<--aww murphy! so cute! she is the oldest and precious. very sweet.
below is murphy getting out of the way of rocky and ginger play fighting.

i loved the sky yesterday! this is the sky with the mormon temple near my house in front of it.
the sky as i drove home from work. (the last 2 are of me, today, in my office)

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