14 May 2009

summer evenings

it is a gorgeous early summer evening and i have all the windows and doors open (the ones with screens anyway) to enjoy the breeze. the birds have been chirping all day, the trees rustling in the wind, and its lovely here. i got to sleep in, eat ice cream, and just made myself the BEST dinner (sauteed chicken, pine nuts and garlic with pesto and angel hair pasta. bellisimo!). today i am supposed to work on 20 pgs of my thesis to turn in monday; i'll get to that i'm sure.
for now, i'm just enjoying the day.
hope you're all having a wonderful MAY so far! xoxo

08 May 2009


dear end of the semester,

i waited a long time for you-- the entire semester, in fact. and you have finally come, and i am glad you're here, but i am sad that my coursework for my master's is done. i am also going kind of insane with all the papers i need to work on, etc., when i have no more motivation. and i have no time for friends, blogging, etc., but i'm glad you' re here because it means i get to sleep a lot! my fav thing! huzzah! now its time for you to go away and summer to start so i can have a normal life again, like the one i had pre-grad school. only this time, it's like a real summer vacation! yay!

31 March 2009

the secret to life

good lord it's been a while!
but you know, life gets in the way of blogging sometimes. important point: who reads this blog? pls please comment and be like "here!" so i know. just curious! xoxo

anyway, grad school is in it's denouement, if you will, and i have literally 1 month left of master's student coursework. then this summer i'm here in williamsburg writing the thesis and i defend in the fall. i'm trying to get a job (other than the Harv) so i can stay here another year and apply for phd's and then fall of 2010 i'll start my PhD program.
ah, plans. how i love them. i also plan to drive up to boston/nyc area in early june and i'm coming home to texas for the end of july/beginning of august. it's funny how i came home during the coldest part of this past year so my heating bill has overall been low, and im going home during the hottest part of the year so presumably my electric bill will be low. nice! i just now thought of it that way, and that's awesome.

so world, springtime in virginia is mighty nice. there are tulips and daffodils everywhere (daffodils in my yard! and i pick them and put them by my computer and its GREAT). i have all the windows open (the cats really love this) and birds are chirping and everywhere (prob. b/c i have 2 birdfeeders out...) and i can hear my wind chimes singing in the breeze...it's really really lovely!

other things in life are not so lovely, but that's okay. this is the secret to life: i'm okay when everything is not okay.

i haven't quite achieved that yet, but i'm trying. and that's the best we can ever do...

04 January 2009

Lookin' Fine in 2009

hello pumpkins! im here in houston, enjoying my vacation/working for my dad and things are going well. new years has come and gone and we're in 2009, which i hope will be an awesome year.
did yall make resolutions?
my resolution, as cheesy and cliche as it may be, is to: CHILL OUT and enjoy things. stay up later, be more spontaneous, work harder, stress less, dress up more, take lots of pictures, have fun and enjoy life.

not that i havent been enjoying life, but last semester was tough and now that i understand grad school a little better, i can move forward and enjoy it! im so psyched about my awesome thesis (who doesnt love Twilight?*) and virginia is awesome! (+ it's "for lovers")
so who's coming to visit?? get your bids in quick!

also! cheryl and chandra and anyone else who reads this who i have not yet seen/hung out with: let's hang out soon! i leave for virginia on jan. 18th, so let's make this happen!

*i would like to point out that despite all her reluctance to read the series, my twin sister ended up reading all 4 in like 2-3 days and now LOVES it. HA! she described her boyfriend to me thusly: "i want you to know that my boyfriend is like my jacob" "but womb buddy, why isnt he like your edward?" "because edward doesnt exist and i love native americans"
love it.