20 February 2008

3 posts in one day! wow!

tim my friend, i didnt know you had a blog! and thank you for commenting-- i appreciate it! i am stealing your game:
Game 1.0
Here're the rules: I get a point for each category that I do each day. We'll see how I do for the next week.
The categories are:

today (since it's only 1 pm, we'll put what i plan to do today into account as well)
think: read jezebel and wondered why is every young person voting for obama? wtf am i missing here? i just dont really love him. hillary...i dont know.
create: 2 blog posts today! and i wrote some emails...does that count?
learn: lots of things, i read many blogs each day
move: not much yet, but i plan to ride my bike later
friends- chatted with a few people via gchat, plan to visit nessa at 3ish
music- am re-discovering tori's Scarlet's Walk
challenge- god, just getting up this morning? i was very very tired
opporunity- to be a good person, and i'm bringing nessa chicken soup because she is sick.

how's that for the first day of the Game?

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