11 February 2008

Karen's Guide to Surviving Hangovers

having had some drinks in my day (and by some drinks i mean gotten blackout drunk on MANy occasions...what? i went to college), here is my Guide to Surviving A Hangover.

Step 1-- Don't drink so damn much! geez, alchy! calm it down!

if step 1 is not an option or you are always wasted, proceed to step 2.

Step 2: drink as much water at the bar as you can. get your friends to shove it down your throat, whatever, just get some water!

Step 3: DO NOT DRIVE. i say this very hypocritically but really, you could hurt yourself, others, and a DUI just fucking sucks. DON'T DO IT!

Step 4: get thee to an eatery. it can be a diner, McD's, tacos, whatever-- just EAT something! in fact, eat as much as you can without getting sick. and drink WATER.

Step 5: try to take some advil before your pour yourself into bed. keep the advil and a tall glass of water by your bed-- you're going to need it later.

Step 6: drunkenly wake up sometime in the early morning (7, 8 am). drink an ENTIRE glass of water and take 3 advil.

Step 7: GO BACK TO SLEEP. this step is VERy crucial so you can feel like the floor isn't spinning anymore

Step 8: sleep as late as humanely possible, and only wake up when your head isn't splitting in half and you must get food.

Step 9: get something to eat-- preferably something that's not too too heavy but nothing light. most people go for fast food, and that seems to work well. if you can, get a SODA of some kind. that always seems to help

Step 10: TAKE MORE ADVIL (keep in mind you can take 2-3 every 4 hours, so try to stay somewhat in those perameters).

Step 11: take it easy. try not to get too upset about how much of an effing idiot you were at the bar last night. and try to, next time, not drink so much okay?

This Message Has Been Brought To You By: the fact that Karen was a drunken effing crazy on saturday night, and while she will still go out with friends anytime, there will be no more crazy alcohol comsumption. because really, it's dangerous, and not good for me, and i drive home long distances, and act like a stupid crazy person. so we're going to chill on that for a while

1 comment:

Chandra Lynn said...

Oh chica, I feel you on this. Great post - you should do a public service announcement! And CONGRATS ON GETTING IN!!! Could've commented on your earlier blog, but what the hell.. 2 birds with 1 stone, right?