04 February 2008

new kylie minogue is great

hello world. doing the bored at work so i'm blogging thing again, and can i just say that im really ready for a long hiatus of my job? it's not any fault of my job, really, i am just really ready to take a break and go somewhere and play for a while. i bought a plane ticket to nyc in May, which is GREAT (2 weeks of debauchery and fun in the city, boston, marshfield MA, portland ME and freeport ME, possibly saratoga?) but it's also 15 1/2 weeks away (i just counted). at least i have smaller goals (i.e. weight watchers) in the meantime. but it's still a long ways away!
("ways away" is that even correct? where did that phrase come from?)

so i had the bright idea that downloading tv shows on my ipod and only watching them at the gym would be great motivation, right? well it's not working. what i have learned is that i need driving techno music at the gym to match my steps to-- when i try to watch tv i slow down so i can watch more carefully (plus the ipod screen is tiiiiiinnnnyyyy). so that great idea doesnt really work-- but watching the shows when i have 30 min left of work and im BORED and antsy could work :) sneaky. oh and my fav and almost only music i can listen to at the gym? daft punk's discovery. i prob. would just cancel my gym membership w/o it-- on friday it actually induced me to RUN. i cant remember the last time i ran w/o being chased...come to think of it, i can't remember the last time i was chased...

random gossip/celeb tidbit: ive never been any kind of fan of heidi montag but i just watched her video for her hideously bad song "higher" and omg. heidi, we are laughing AT you, not with you. jesus.

that's pretty much all i've got lately. until next time...

ps- mark down a NO from univ. of kansas. i'm trying to pretend like im not totally bummed but boo. :( i have 4 schools left to hear from but its hard not feeling like it may be a NO from all of them

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