12 November 2008

"Sorry Professor, My Cat ATE My Homework..."

oh, stella. she loves to chew on paper, i don't know why. thessie has tried to emulate her, but it's just not the same as my furry, white paper-shredder. she LOVES to rip up paper (computer paper/post it's especially, but also loves magazines and newspapers) and she went to town this morning on my outline for my next paper. LUCKILY she ripped up the part that i wasn't really using so i can still read what it says....

1 comment:

EllenJulia said...

Oh man, my cats (one? both? don't know, never caught them at it) do the same thing. I can't leave anything that's paper in "their" space, which includes the floor or my bed. Fortunately, my desk and the kitchen table seem to be off limits, which is where I usually leave stuff.

Came back one day and found a paperback ripped apart on my bed. It was my mom's too, and they shredded it from the back forward, so I never got to finish the damn thing. Gotta love kitties...