04 January 2009

Lookin' Fine in 2009

hello pumpkins! im here in houston, enjoying my vacation/working for my dad and things are going well. new years has come and gone and we're in 2009, which i hope will be an awesome year.
did yall make resolutions?
my resolution, as cheesy and cliche as it may be, is to: CHILL OUT and enjoy things. stay up later, be more spontaneous, work harder, stress less, dress up more, take lots of pictures, have fun and enjoy life.

not that i havent been enjoying life, but last semester was tough and now that i understand grad school a little better, i can move forward and enjoy it! im so psyched about my awesome thesis (who doesnt love Twilight?*) and virginia is awesome! (+ it's "for lovers")
so who's coming to visit?? get your bids in quick!

also! cheryl and chandra and anyone else who reads this who i have not yet seen/hung out with: let's hang out soon! i leave for virginia on jan. 18th, so let's make this happen!

*i would like to point out that despite all her reluctance to read the series, my twin sister ended up reading all 4 in like 2-3 days and now LOVES it. HA! she described her boyfriend to me thusly: "i want you to know that my boyfriend is like my jacob" "but womb buddy, why isnt he like your edward?" "because edward doesnt exist and i love native americans"
love it.

1 comment:

Chandra Lynn said...

Yes - we need to do dinner or something! I'm back at work now, so it's pretty much evenings only for me. boo.