26 December 2007

Holidays, ELLEN!, austin, stuff

what i didn't mention in my last post is that after i hid my make up brushes in a drawer, Stella went all the way downstairs into my parents bathroom and got one of my mom's make up brushes from the mug on the countertop and brought it ALL the way back upstairs to drop on top of the covers.

so now all the make up brushes are under lock and key in my house. in other news, i had a fantastic wkend in austin (one of my favorite cities ever) and am very excited that my friend Lauren (whom i visited) 1) no longer has to work as a jewelery making slave at her job and 2) is coming to visit next week! speaking of visiting,

ELLEN IS HERE IN A WEEK! YAYAYAYAYAY! i am quite excited about that (and can't wait for one of my most cat-loving friends to meet my girls)! yay! much merriment will ensue and i would love for any and everyone to meet my fantastic friend, so lets all get together, yes?
also, i hope everyone had a great christmas/holiday and has exciting plans for new year's eve. personally i hate driving long distances on NYE and i don't know what anyone is doing so i'm pretty much hanging out at home. which is fine-- i'm excited for 2007 to be over and 2008 to start so ellen can get here! YAY

and now for the picture portion of my blog: (these are on myspace as well)

thessaly pops stella on their new cat tree

stell and thess sleeping all squished on the top.
and finally, the girls as they mostly sit on there-- thess hanging out and trying to get stella's tail and stell in the tube watching birds outside.
aren't they great? :)

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