21 April 2008

excited about the future

so good news everyone: i got my cottage! details and pictures shall be forthcoming. basically the lady who is renting it out (she has the same last name as i do, did i mention that? TOTAL fate) was supposed to rent it to someone else, but they pulled out at the last minute (again, fate). so she's working out a lease for me to sign and i'm getting more info on how big it is, etc. i seriously feel like the world is vomiting rainbows in my face and everything is effortless! now i can't be super super set until i sign a lease, but it's still great! YAY!
this weekend i spent all of yesterday cleaning out every nook and cranny that held my stuff and it was AWESOME (exhausting but satisfying). i ended up with 7 huge black garbage bags of trash, a ton of crap for our garage sale (details on that forthcoming), and a ton of clothes for sale (buffalo exchange, here i come). it feels so great to edit! today i've been making lists (I LOVE LISTS) of what i need, what i have, and what i need from ikea (mmm ikea...). this is so exciting! i can't wait :)

in other news, my amazing nyc/boston/maine trip is approaching quickly and i couldn't be happier. it's going to be so much fun it's ridiculous. HOORAY!
what all is going on with you?

1 comment:

Cheryl Ann said...

I can't wait to see pics of the cottage!!! How cool is that? We need to hang out soon. No bday plans yet, but I will keep you filled in. xoxo