18 January 2008

Cats are Essential for Human's Well-Being

look at this great quote i came across today: "Cats are more than just pets," said Naoki Yanase, a professor of English literature at Seijo University. "They radiate serenity and are essential for the well-being of humans."

yep! that also reminds me, thessaly is more likely a Japanese Bobtail cat than a Manx, because manx tails don't have a curve or kink in them and Thess's tail has a 90 degree right angle in it! (so cute). so, world, i now own a Ragdoll/Siamese and a Japanese Bobtail/possible Domestic Shorthair.
i am sure you are riveted by this new breakthrough.

anyway. in other news, i bought some things from itunes for the first time the other day, and .99 doesn't seem like a lot at first for a song but it adds up! jeez. i bought a few tori b-sides that have eluded me thus far so it was worth it, but still. i'm also trying to download music and such but haven't found anything that i really like! people! send me your suggestions!

so it's friday and i have some fun things going on today and not a lot else going on for the weekend. and i found out that most of my rec's were sent to grad school and Purdue sent me an email, "we'll let you know mid-February" which is SO exciting and i just want to move and go to school and paint my new apt and have fun with it! life! let's get on with it!

that is all. happy weekend people.
(next post: i'll talk about tv. new what not to wear today, and i am rather enjoying this Make me a Supermodel on bravo. lets discuss)

and here is a video of ellen and me in Galveston:

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